
Effective Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis - 8 Tips to Help You Get Rid Of Your BV Once And For All

I'm trying to treat my recurrent bacterial vaginosis and finding it really difficult to make this happen. I have taken medicines that the doctor prescribed for me. They usually help for a while then the problem just return especially after my period. I learned that this is because the medicine kills the bacteria but it doesn't replenish your system with good bacteria. I just want something that will help keep it under control and to get my ph balance back on track. Any help with Effective Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis?

Do you identify with this? Do you have the same problem? Well, this one of the main question we get asked as we try to recommend natural treatment options for women who are suffering with recurrent BV: I mean treatments that will not kill both the bad and the good bacterial in the system so BV won't reoccur.

In this article, I will give you some few tips on how to totally cure your BV, and also provide you with links to some internet pages where you can seek additional help for your BV problems should the Effective Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis tips provided here don't help you out.

I also had been struggling with BV for a long time and somehow managed to cure it. Here are some 8 bv cure suggestions that worked for me.

1- First, as I guess we all know no douching, heavy soaps or basically anything going in that could adversely affect your PH and bacterial level. I even learned that sperm can wreak havoc and it is advised to watch out for symptoms after intercourse.

2- On top of this basic advice, I advise you to eat yogurt or take a pro-biotic supplement to boost up the good bacteria in the system. I do try to eat yogurt and take a pro and pre-biotic supplement every day.

3- Also, I will recommend a Chlorophyll supplement to just generally cleanse. I sometimes take a liquid but that does not taste so great and is harder for me to remember daily.

4- Did you know that Rephresh, which you can buy at Walmart or Target which is a gel that you insert as often as every 3 days can kind of resets your PH? I do like this, it is great to use after your period once a month, and however I do get a discharge from this which is normal.

5- All in all, when I first went to a doctor, she gave me all of the above information it really lessened a regular odor, but I still don't feel as if my body is completely back on track. Lately I have not been as faithful to all of these and have absolutely noticed. So my plan is take my supplements daily, use the Rephresh more often and also focus on drinking more water and exercising because I know from personal experience these two have really helped.

6- Also, from reading other sites, hydrogen peroxide water down or apple cider vinegar water down are used to douche or wipe down the area. I don't think I would douche with it but may use it to wipe, this adjusts the PH level and so might help if you felt you were having an especially 'stinky' day.

7- You can also buy PH testing kits which I have not tried but probably will as I am, at this point, pretty paranoid about this whole issue!

8- However I have to say that the most help I got as far as permanently treating my recurrent bacterial vaginosis is concerned was gotten from this guide called The Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom Guide. This is a great guide which teaches women with BV, no matter how chronic or serious it is; some natural and very effective ways and things they could do so as to naturally treat this condition and stop it from ever retuning. I would advise that any woman who is fighting with BV to get a copy of this guide and use the recommendations it!

Click here: Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom Guide Review, to read more about this guide before downloading it.

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