
Perspiration- Quick Facts

None of us quite like the feeling of being ridden with sweat and being sticky. But it's the way our body keeps the heat balanced! Every warm-blooded animal sweats..even dogs. However due to the not many sweat glands they possess, they don't sweat as much as humans…they make up for this however by panting.

As chief-trainer & a person who is highly particular about ones skin, I would like to share a few things about sweat, its constituents & importance!

Perspiration also known as sweating, transpiration, or diaphoresis is the production of a fluid consisting primarily of water as well as various dissolved solids, chiefly chlorides, that is excreted by the various sweat glands present in the skin of mammals. Sweat contains the chemicals or odorants, as well as a small amount of urea. In humans, sweating is a means of thermo-regulation! In simpler terms, it helps the body keeps its normal functional temperature.

As chief-trainer & a person who is highly particular about ones skin, I would like to share a few things about sweat, its constituents & importance!. Step into a dry & fresh lifestyle with SURE, the World's #1 Anti-perspirant! Say `No` to paseena with the confidence that only an anti-perspirant can give. Discover sweat facts, challenge the myths & learn to use SURE correctly for day-long freshness!

Heat, movement & stress make us sweat in the underarms. Millions of bacteria, present on underarm skin, feed on sweat. This is why, though sweat is odourless, you suffer from body odour.

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Get Rid Of Small Breast Size With Help Of Natural Remedies

Small breasts size is one problem which affects more than 50% of the women worldwide and even celebrities do not hide their desire to have more firm and fuller breasts. In this article let us discuss about some of the ways through which breasts size can be enhanced without causing any harm to the body.

Popular Methods
Although there are a number of natural ways through which breasts size can be enhanced but still the most popular method remains to be the breast enhancement surgery but due to its dangerous after effects more and more women are now looking for the alternative ways to breast enhancement which do not cause any harm to the body.

Natural Way to Breast Enhancement
In recent past many people have started showing faith in the natural form of treatment because it is free from any type of side effects. There are many herbs which have been found to be very effective in enhancing the size of breasts by increasing the levels of estrogen in the body (estrogen is the main hormone responsible for the normal growth of breasts). Two of the most effective herbs for breast enhancement are saw palmetto and fenugreek.

Foods And Other Habits
There are also some foods like chicken head soup and carrots which are very beneficial in increasing breasts size in addition one should give up addictions like smoking and alcohol and reduce the intake of tea and coffee as all these substances hinder the normal growth process in the body and if one is taking herbal pills these substances greatly reduces their efficacy levels.


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Abnormal Pap Smear - What It Means and What To Do?

There are false positives and false negatives on Pap smears. After your doctor takes that huge Q-tip and swabs your cervix, the cells on the Q-tip are rubbed off onto a piece of glass called a "slide." Then a thin plastic piece is put on top to keep it all together. The tests are looked at by people who have been trained to look at them, but sometimes they miss something because they don't look at the entire slide. Other times they aren't quite sure what they see, so they flag it as possibly abnormal.

You may hear that your Pap showed "ASCUS," which means atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. In other words, they saw something that wasn't completely normal, but not totally abnormal either so they just don't know for sure.

A lot of doctors will have you come back in a few months for another Pap smear to see if it changed to normal, or if there was inflammation, they may treat you with antibiotics to clear up the cervical infection.

If the Pap also showed positive for HPV, however, then ASCUS means a little bit more. Since HPV is the primary cause of cervical cancer, being positive for HPV with an ASCUS Pap result will usually make your doctor want to do some more testing.

Your doctor will probably want to do a colposcopy with a biopsy in the office. The colposcopy simply means looking at your cervix with a special microscope called a colposcope. The biopsy is done with a metal tool that literally pinches off a piece of tissue from your cervix. Yes, I think it hurts, but it is very quick, so they don't use anything to numb it up first.

That biopsy is also sent off to a pathologist who looks at it for abnormal changes. If there is mild dysplasia, they probably won't do anything yet, but have you come back in a few months and check again.

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Pap Smear - Rationing Healthcare Or the Right Care?

This is different from the past which recommended screening for cervical cancer at either three years after the time a woman became sexually active or age 21, whichever occurred first.

Over the past year there have been plenty of announcements from the medical profession regarding to the appropriateness of PSA screening for prostate cancer and the timing of mammogram screening for breast cancer. Understandably some people may view these changes in recommendations as the rationing of American healthcare.

They should instead, however, welcome these advancements. Doctors becoming even better at understanding which screening tests work and which ones don't.

Doctors have discovered that for cervical cancer, which is detected by Pap smears, a significant risk factor in infection from the human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease and aside from causing cervical cancer are also the cause of genital warts. Women under age 21, who are healthy and do not have a compromised immune system from HIV or organ transplant, rarely develop cervical cancer from HPV infection.

Unlike the past when women needed annual pap smears, advances in screening with new liquid-based Pap smears as well as screening for HPV allows women to be checked for cervical cancer every other year. Women age 30 and older who have had three normal pap smears in a row can have Pap smears every two to three years with a Pap smear or every three years with a Pap test and HPV DNA screening. Pap Smear - Rationing Healthcare Or the Right Care?

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Abnormal Pap Smear Causes

If you have heard these words uttered on your voicemail or directly from your health care provider, you know that something must be wrong and you feel uneasy the whole day.  Although frightening, it is best to be aware of an abnormal pap smear early on so that your gynecologist can treat it and monitor it before it turns into something worse.  If you have had one or are hoping to avoid one, it is good to know the abnormal pap smear causes.

HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) is the most common cause of abnormalities on your cervix.  HPV is a sexually transmitted disease and can go undetected for years without any symptoms or associated problems.  HPV is a group of viruses that include more than 100 different strains or types.  More than 30 of these viruses are sexually transmitted.  Some strains of HPV are called high-risk types and usually lead to an abnormal pap smear.  The low-risk strains may also cause a mild abnormality on the cervix.  Nearly 20 million people are currently infected with HPV, and 50 percent of men and women sexually active acquire HPV at one point in their lifetime. This is why it is so important to have annual exams; to screen for HPV and cervical abnormalities.

It is so important to have a pap smear done after becoming sexually active.  Yearly checkups are recommended but you should consult with your gynecologist as to how often you need a pap test done.  Being aware of abnormal pap smear causes is crucial in avoiding and detecting HPV.

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Gynecology Problems - What is a Pap Smear?

A pap smear is a procedure that is necessary to check for abnormalities and cervical cancer. A pap smear may be done at an annual exam when you go to the gynecologist. This is done relatively quickly and is often times painless. However, you may experience a menstrual type cramp while the doctor gets the sample. The doctor may use a small, soft brush to obtain the sample from your cervix. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for close examination.

Another part of an annual exam is the bimanual pelvic exam. This exam usually follows the collection of the samples for the pap smear. The doctor will insert two fingers, usually with lubrication. One hand will be inside the vaginal canal to feel for the ovaries and uterus while the other hand is on top of the stomach to feel from the outside.

Results from a pap smear generally take 2-3 weeks to receive. Depending on the office you go to, the doctor or nurse may or may not contact you. If they do not contact you that usually means that it came back normal. If you have not heard back from the office in over a month and are still curious of the results, you can call and request the results.

Once the exterior is completed you should move on to cleaning the inside of the glass using the same technique. The inside of the glass can be more awkward to clean due to the angles of it so spend a little time ensuring all areas are covered and again frequently turn and fold the cloth. Once sufficiently cleaned, you should polish your glass with a designated glass polish product. This should be applied with a micro fibre applicator pad then worked in with both linear and circular motions.

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Saline Breast Implants

Making the decision to have breast implants means that one must make several other decisions for the benefit of the look and feel of their new breast. Although the ratio of women who chose silicone breast over saline is more than 2:1 many women are interested in the benefits of saline implants and have unanswered questions. Saline implants were once criticized for feeling hard and unnatural but have come a long way since then and are constantly being improved with new technology and new techniques. Understanding the anatomy ones breast implants Los Angeles surgeons say is imperative to making the best choice for one's goal with breast implants.

Breast implants can be filled with saline or silicone gel and both have an outer casing made of silicone. Saline implants like silicone implants vary in sizes, shapes and profiles. The surface of the outer shell is another component of breast implants it can be smooth or textured. Saline breast implants Beverly Hills surgeons say can be placed in any of the various implants placement positions. The positions in which the implants can be placed include sub-glandular over the muscle, partial sub-muscular, 2/3 is covered by the muscle and complete sub-muscular under the muscle.

Placements of the saline implants tend to require a shorter incision than silicone implants do because saline implants are filled during surgery, after placement. Saline implants can be adjusted after surgery, the surgeon may use a syringe to remove or add liquid. Leading Los Angeles breast implants surgeons say a big advantage of saline implants is that if the implant were to rupture the saline (salt water solution) is harmless to the body and absorbed with no trace. However a factor that is seen as advantageous to some and disadvantageous to others is, when a saline implant ruptures it is obvious. The saline implant will deflate and the size difference is easily noticeable.

In Beverly Hills breast enhancement surgery is done most commonly and most women desire to have natural looking and feeling breast implants. Because silicone gel mimics human fat closely there are obviously the most natural feeling choice next to the balloon like saline implants; however placing the saline implant behind the chest muscle and slightly over filling it, is said to provide a natural breast tissue feel. Saline implants are best used in cases where women want large breast and this makes the saline implants look unnatural. Saline implants like silicone implants both have advantages and disadvantages the most important factor is whether they look or feel natural is size and placement.

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Dr. Kris Reddy Talks About Undergoing Breast Augmentation

Right after a baby is born, doctors recommend mothers to feed their infants so that it could grow healthy and be immuned towards certain infections and diseases. Breast feeding is a time old concept used to feed babies for healthier growth. It is scientifically proven that mother's milk is rich in natural vitamins, lactose, proteins, minerals, trans-fats etc. as compared to the artificial feeder or animal's milk. Other than that, mother's milk boosts the immune system of the babies and helps them to fight any kind of infection and diseases. Studies have revealed that breast feeding also helps in preventing obesity and lowers the risk of ovarian cancer.

Nowadays more and more women are going for breast implants and they ponder if it is safe to go for the implant provided that some of them would be breast feeding later in their life. It is also a genuine concern as they think if the gel implants rupture, the silicone could contaminate the breast milk. With the advancements in sciences and careful revision of the concepts, scientists have confirmed that silicone implants (even if ruptured) are not harmful to infants as its molecules are too large to pass into the milk ducts and gland tissues. These studies are also FDA conducted and approved.

Dr. Kris Reddy, a renowned breast augmentation expert, based in Palm Beach County confirms that the implants are not harmful in any ways. He is an expert in many breast enhancement procedures such as breast lift, breast implant revision (breast implant exchange), breast asymmetry correction, breast reduction and gynecomastia. According to Dr. Kris Reddy, breast augmentation is also helpful in improving the body proportions of women who feel insecure about their figures. It is a procedure suitable for those who wish for improvement and not perfection as it helps in enhancing the appearance and self-confidence.

Dr. Kris Reddy suggests that thorough research and education on the procedure, apart from the health status of the interested woman, is essential before undergoing the procedure. A treatment plan is then made that highlights the steps to increase the breast size, shape, correction proportion and even firmness. Dr. Kris Reddy is a highly experienced and a famous board certified plastic surgeon who has employed expert staff in order to provide unprecedented care and initial consultation with great care and attention. To know more about Dr. Kris Reddy, please browse through http://www.drkrisreddy.com

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Irregular Periods Causes and Treatment of Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation is the term used for the natural monthly cycle of periods in the female body. Periods are when the unfertilized eggs are ejected out of the reproductive system along with blood and several other tissue cells. This flow happens once a month. The flow is profuse on one particular day of the month. However the discomfort of the periods could generally last for three days.

The female reproductive system is indeed marvelous. Every month the ovaries produce one egg which is deposited in the fallopian tube. The uterine wall known as the endometrium thickens and there is increased blood circulation in the entire reproductive system. This is all in preparation of a pregnancy. However, if the woman does not get pregnant, then all these things need to be expelled from the body. This is known as the period. Once the expulsion is done, the ovaries produce a new egg and the cycle continues for another month.

Read more on Irregular Menstruation Treatment and Female Infertility Treatment. Also visit on Increase Female Libido

Causes of Irregular Menstruation

1.    Hot and hot foods

2.    Cool and cold foods

3.    Profession

4.    Raw food diet

5.    Stress

6.    Imbalance or blockage of the internal organs

7.    Blockage of Internal channel

Symptoms of Irregular Menstruation

1.    Pain in pelvic region or in inferior abdomen

2.    Anemia

3.    Discomfort in inferior back

4.    Nausea and sickness sensation

5.    Vertigo and dizziness strength occur

6.    Depression might occur

7.    Decreased hunger

8.    Dullness on skin

Home Remedies for Menstruation

1.    Fry asafetida in ghee and add a teaspoonful of it to buttermilk. Have this once a day in case of dysmenorrhea.

2.    Mix some sesame seeds in a glassful of water. Drink this twice daily when you have menstrual pains.

3.    Have salads with boiled beetroot in them, or have beetroot juice.

Treatment of Irregular Menstruation

Menstruation, a essential female physiological procedure, is very significant in that it is capable of moving several other
metabolisms within the body. Women who skill regular menstrual cycles have far better odds of enjoy better physical and physiological health than women who practice disrupted menstrual cycles. Instead of medication, more and more women are now revolving to natural treatment for irregular menstruation.

The following exercises help in reducing the pain of menstruation:-

1.    Take a firm chair and stand behind it holding your hands firmly on the chair's back. Lift one heel and then the other. Continue this for about ten minutes. You can also do knee-bends.

2.    Lie on your back on a firm bed. Fold your legs and bring the knees up to your chin. Repeat this ten times.

Dietary Treatments for Menstruation

The following dietary tips are beneficial to women who have painful or irregular periods:-

1.    Avoid all constipating foods, especially in the last week of the menstrual cycle. This includes fried foods, sour foods and protein-rich pulses.

2.    Fish is a good dietary indication for painful periods. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which help to ease the spasms during menstruation. Meat, poultry and dairy products must be avoided.

3.    Among vegetables, white pumpkin, papaya, drumstick, snake gourd, bitter gourd and cucumber are good for dysmenorrhea. Potato, yellow pumpkin and eggplant must be avoided.

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White Vaginal Discharge Causes that You Ought to Know

Vaginal discharge can infect by yeast, bacteria's. In usual vaginal discharge small amount of bacteria's and yeast is present but excessive growth of bacteria's and yeast can lead to vaginal discharge infection. If there is clear and runny discharge can caused after serious exercise. But if there is white vaginal discharge with thick, pasty like cottage cheese, burning itching, irritation vagina is infected by some infection.

Types of Vaginal Dischargeimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRt0wPGjLWLGsCYpTiJRr7

• White vaginal discharge: - It is white in color and it is thick, pasty or watery. It is common before and after your periods. If itching and burning is present and thick white discharge can be a yeast infection.
• Clear and watery discharge: - This occurs in different times of period and can be occurred after heavy exercise and workout.
• Yellow and Green vaginal discharge: - It may cause an infection. If it is thick, cottage cheese or has foul smell.
• Brown vaginal discharge: -It may happen after periods. Brown color appears when a discharge is exposed to the air it turns brown and it just cleaning out the vagina.
• Spotting blood: - Sometimes in pregnancy you have discharge like spotting blood or brown blood discharge at the time your period would normally come.

Causes of Vaginal Discharge

Is natural to feel every woman vaginal secretions, but is sometimes abnormal discharge due to the presence of disease such as:

• Fungal infections: - Type of inflammation of the vagina due to the increase existing vaginal fungus Candida, usually the symptoms are itching (prorates) and the emergence of very few secretions such as cheese
• Usually through sexual intercourse and a possible N lead to the emergence of green discharge - Gray or yellowish appearance, and sometimes discharge air (such as air bubbles) and smell like the smell of fish
• When influenced by the middle of the vagina is possible to increase the proportion of these bacteria and cause vaginal discharge with the smell of fish, and always be noticeable after intercourse and there may be itching (itch), burning urine
• Sugar: - When they are not taken to maintain normal blood sugar leads to the emergence of sugar in urine and this increases the fungal inflammation of the vagina
• Cancer of the alternately: - Uterus or cervix can lead to abnormal secretions from the vagina
• Pregnancy: - Result of changes in hormones during pregnancy usually increases secretions and are liquid and color of the white structures and increase the incidence of fungal

Natural Remedies for White Vaginal Discharge

• Fenugreek seeds are one more popular natural remedy for white vaginal discharge and for this; one can make a tea from fenugreek seeds.
• For this, merely put 2 tsp seeds in one liter water. Bring to a boil and let it boil on low fire for about half an hour. Strain this potion and it is prepared as a vaginal douche.
• Ladyfinger is believed to be extremely helpful in treating the disease. In half liter water, boil 150 gm of lady finger for just about 15-20 minutes.
• Strain the water and just comprise several sugars to taste. The decoctions have to be enthused in the doses of 50-100 ml at recurrent intervals.
• Get ready a decoction using fresh foliage of walnut tree and this is too a good vaginal douche for leucorrhea. The harsh chemicals found in the leaves are recognized to heal menstrual circumstances and also vaginal discharges.

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Zimmer Hip Recall

Zimmer Hip Replacement Design Features:


Zimmer hip replacement therapy is used to reduce hip pain due to arthritis.  Some patients will experience pain during recovery but this will dissipate in the long-term.  However, some hip replacement therapies can be too rigid causing pinching against flexible bone that supports them.  Zimmer hip replacement therapies were designed with new features to minimize pain and stiffness.


Changes in leg length were considered by Zimmer by offering a variety of sizes and neck angles of their implants to closely match the patient's natural leg length and joint angle.  This way each patient's anatomy may be accommodated creating a natural transition from his or her natural joint to an artificial one.  This creates a maximum range of motion while minimizing the potential for dislocation.  Zimmer also considered bone preservation.  Given that bone is living tissue, it needs regular stimulus to function normally.  Improper interaction between the prosthesis and bone causes bone loss or abnormal bone growth during bone remodeling.  Zimmer designed a prosthesis that creates a stable fit with natural stress interactions between prosthesis and implant.  Zimmer has also redesigned the cup implant (placed in the hip socket) to prevent excess wear between the ball and cup.  Other implant systems have reported excess wear between the ball and socket cup that eventually causes the cup to become loose.  Many doctors have reported this problem to be the number one cause of hip replacement failure.  Even with all these implant advances, longevity of a hip implant varies.  Ultimately, it depends on the patient's physical condition, activity levels, weight and surgical procedure.  Your implant is not as strong and durable as a healthy joint so your prosthesis may need to be replaced after a number of years.


Zimmer Implants have been Recalled:


Recently Dr. Larry Dorr wrote a letter to the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons expressing concerns about failures and defects associated with the Zimmer Durom Cup.  Dorr observed in his patients that the implant failed within the first two years.  During revision surgery, he found that the cup implant had become loose and in fact popped out of the socket when a small amount of pressure was applied.  He believes that these cups have a poor fixation surface that prevents the cup from being seated properly.  Dorr has stopped using the Zimmer Durom Cup stating that he believes they are defective.


The Zimmer Durom hip replacement prosthesis was first marketed in 2006 in the United States.  A Zimmer recall was issued on July 24, 2008 due to a faulty Durom Cup.  Zimmer will need to determine what is wrong with the Durom Cup surface that prevents proper seating into the hip socket.  The Zimmer Durom implant has been placed in 12,000 patients since this prosthesis went on the market.  You may want to contact your orthopedic surgeon to check on the particular implant that you received.  Make sure you keep a record of your doctor's report.  If you have had revision surgery, it is a good idea to save the removed implant so that you can use it as evidence in a possible lawsuit.   If you have received a Zimmer Durom hip cup and believe it has failed, needs to be removed, or you have already had revision surgery you may want to contact a Zimmer lawyer for a case review.


If you have experienced a Zimmer hip replacement failure or any other hip replacement related complication, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Zimmer lawsuits are currently being filed across the country.


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Zimmer Hip Replacement Recall

Have you been Considering Hip Joint Replacement?


Have you been experiencing hip pain?  Did you know that the major cause of long-term hip pain is arthritis?  If you are taking medication and various forms of therapy for hip pain and this is not working for you, you may want to talk to an orthopedic surgeon to see if hip joint replacement is right for you.  You will need to tell your doctor about the medications and/or therapy you are currently receiving as well as the changes you've made to accommodate your discomfort.  Let your doctor know if you are unable to perform normal activities and whether you have problems sleeping.  These are all good reasons for you to consider hip replacement therapy.


Hip replacement is fairly commonplace these days with a high success rate and have been reported to last for 15 to 30 years after surgery.  New surgical procedures and hip replacement prosthetics are being developed with advances in technology at a rapid rate making them safer and more affordable.


Hip replacement involves placing a prosthesis into the femur and placing a cup into the hip socket to replace your damaged joint due to arthritic damage.  Make sure you discuss any risks associated with this surgery with your doctor.  Bear in mind that you will require physical therapy after your surgery as a form of rehabilitation and that you will have to take antibiotics before, during and after your surgery.  It is a good idea to read about various types of hip replacement implants to see if you can identify any problems that may have been reported.  In fact, Zimmer, one manufacturer of hip implants has had a recall.  A number of doctors complained that Zimmer's implant was faulty and that many patients will probably need a second surgery to replace the faulty device.  If you had hip surgery between 2006 and July 2008 and your implant is failing or must be replaced, you need to contact your orthopedic surgeon.  Your physician needs to let you know which manufacturer your hip replacement came from so you will know what action you need to take.


Zimmer Durom Cup Recall:


Zimmer hip replacements have been implanted in 12,000 patients.  You will need to contact your orthopedic surgeon to see if you received the Zimmer Durom Cup implant.  If you have received this defective implant, you may want to contact an attorney to see if you qualify for a Zimmer lawsuit.  Zimmer has suspended marketing and distributing the Durom Cup in the U.S. while they take time to provide further surgical instructions and surgeon training.  However, the Durom Cup will still be marketed outside the U.S.  The Zimmer Durom Cup recall was issued on July 24, 2008.  Reports indicate that implant failure occurs within two years and is due to cup loosening from the hip socket.


If you have experienced a Zimmer hip replacement failure or any other hip replacement illness, you may be entitled to financial compensation. You may want to contact a Zimmer attorney to see if you qualify for a Zimmer lawsuit.

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5 Good Reasons to Lose Weight

Have you been seeking to drop those few extra few pounds for quite a while, but can't quite find a way to get motivated? Here's five very good reasons so it will kick-start you on your journey to feeling – and looking – fabulous!

You Want to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Unhealthy diets and high-cholesterol can lead to artery blockages which cause heart attacks or strokes. Eating balanced and healthy diet and exercising is essential to preventing heart disease. Aerobic fitness exercise, while helping you shed weight, likewise helps you lay down more bloodstream, preventing risk of blockage, and strengthens your heart.

Improve Quality of Life

Losing weight can make life more enjoyable in many ways. Your joints will thank you so much to have some respite from excess weight. You will end up more mobile, and less likely to get out of breath doing everyday activities. Even your sleep may improve – sleep apnea is often caused by extra weight stressing the respiratory system while sleeping. You'll be a happier, better-rested person with a few pounds less.

Stay Cancer-Free

Excess weight can be a risk factor for certain varieties of cancers; professionals state that obesity can enhance risk for cancers of the breast, endometrium, colon, kidney, and esophagus, has been linked in some studies along with other types in addition. Eating a healthy diet plan of anti-oxidant rich foods also helps fight free radicals in your body, which reduces your risk for multiple types of cancer. Studies have shown that losing as little as five to ten percent of your body mass can significantly reduce your risk of cancer – this means you definitely hold the power to produce yourself a healthier person!

Help Others While Helping Yourself

When you've got kids, it's crucial to provide a great example on their behalf with regards to health. Childhood obesity are at an all-time high in America and is also linked with problems for example Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, including a whole slew of others, in addition to the social stigma kids can face from not-so-sensitive peers.

Getting everyone in on a healthy lifestyle may be fun, too – the enthusiasm of youth is infectious! Encourage young children to take part in active play, and interact with each other. It can be as simple as taking a walk together or as organized as the backyard game of soccer; it all ıs dependent upon what all your family enjoys. Not only will you get those kids on course for a healthy lifestyle, but you will have a internal support group.

Even with no kids, it is possible to still give back with the community using your weight-loss efforts. For those who have aspirations simply to walk or run, a 5-kilometer race is a great goal to set your eyes on. Many 5ks donate their proceeds to charities, like Race to the Cure or March of Dimes. If you want to take a more ambitious project on, consider a group like Team in Training, a charitable organization which connects you with training partners and offers an exercise regimen where you can get across the finish line. Profits proceed to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, along with the chance to reach a person that can assist you put a face towards your charitable actions.

Feel confident (and beautiful) all over! While it's definitely not necessary to be model-skinny to become considered beautiful, being at a weight that's healthy and appears good on you will increase your confidence. Shopping becomes a pleasurable date with girlfriends, not much a chore you dread with the change of every season. It's simpler to get close along with a spouse whenever you feel more at ease in your own skin. Surveys have shown that men find confidence to be a woman's most attractive quality – so not only will you look wonderful, you'll feel great, and it'll be apparent to!

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What Women Need To Know To Get The Flat Stomach They Want

Two Flat Stomach Secrets For Women

Written By Holly Rigsby, CPT
Creator of FitYummyMummy.com

fitness_model.jpg?w=199Have you tried everything under the sun to get a flat stomach, only to come up disappointed? Have you fallen prey to all the gimmicks, fad diets and shameless infomercials promising you that elusive flat stomach that you desire?

Well fret no more, I'm going to let you in on the two ‘secrets' that will help you shed unwanted fat and reveal your toned, flat stomach once and for all.

The first secret for a flat stomach is eating supportively. While this doesn't seem like a secret at all, most women get this wrong in spite of their best – but misguided – efforts. Women have fallen prey to low-fat, low-carb, Hollywood, grapefruit, South Beach and every other over hyped diet that marketers can dream up, all in hopes of shedding those unwanted pounds. But eating supportively is isn't about dieting or deprivation; it's about moderation and balance. While cutting carbs or fats out of your nutrition plan might give you a temporary loss of a couple of pounds, it's typically followed by a drop in metabolism and a weight gain of more than you lost in the first place once you go back to your old eating habits.

So what is eating supportively? Eating supportively is having protein and carbohydrates at every meal. It's grazing on 4-6 meals or snack each day instead of missing meals and then gorging yourself. It's enjoying a healthy breakfast and not drinking your calories. But most of all, eating supportively is enjoying the foods you love in moderation instead of in excess.

If eating supportively is the first secret to a flat stomach, then what's the second? The second flat stomach secret is resistance training. Unfortunately, just as fad diets have stood in the path of women achieving the flat stomachs they so desired, so have the myths of spot reduction and cardio being the best method for fat loss. Late night infomercials have long promoted gadgets that promised to spot reduce those trouble spots that women struggle with and sucked us in with testimonials from fitness models that undoubtedly picked up a nifty paycheck for endorsing their wares. But spot reduction is a myth. Think about it – have you ever met someone with a flat stomach and fat arms? Didn't think so. If spot reduction was possible then undoubtedly one of these happy customers would have toned and tightened their stomach, yet kept their flabby arms.

The other myth that has led women astray is the belief that cardio is the best solution for fat loss. Treadmill manufacturers have sold the virtues of the ‘fat burning zone' and led us to believe that we could plod along on a treadmill watching Oprah and before long a flat stomach would be ours. These two myths have diverted us from the path of what really does work – resistance training. Resistance training is a flat stomach's best friend because not only does an effective resistance training session burn plenty of calories while you're doing it, but it keeps you're metabolism revved long after you're done. One recent study showed that you're metabolism would stay elevated for over 36 hours after a resistance training session.

Try to get that out of an aerobics class.

And there's another benefit of resistance training when it comes to getting a flat stomach. The lean muscle that you gain will raise you're resting metabolic rate and help you burn more fat all day long, each and every day.

There you have it, two ‘secrets' that are guaranteed to boost your metabolism and give you that flat stomach you've been longing for. So ditch the diet books and the aerobics classes and start eating supportively and resistance training. Before long that flat stomach will finally be yours.

About the Author

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women's fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to http://www.fityummymummy.com to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."

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Best Chocolate Cyst Treatment

Many women do not know what a "chocolate cyst" is so of course a chocolate cyst treatment would not be familiar either. A chocolate cyst is an ovarian cyst and are very unpleasant if you have them. These kinds of cysts are related to the condition endometriosis, which is a disorder affecting the woman's reproductive system. The symptoms can be mild or severe.

A chocolate cyst can cause symptoms such as pelvic pain, or lower abdominal pain. This can be quite painful and you will be on the look out for a chocolate cyst treatment. Women with chocolate cysts or any kind of ovarian cyst may have a difficult time getting pregnant. There may also be other symptoms such as painful intercourse, in inconsistent periods. Fortunately there are several treatments available to help eliminate the symptoms and the cyst and prevent it from forming again. Take note that it is important to get a diagnosis from your doctor as to the type and size of the ovary cyst in order to properly treat the ovarian cyst and keep it from coming back.

Chocolate cysts form from cells in the uterus that may reposition themselves outside of the ovaries. They are small sac like structures that form and may grow and enlarge. Hormones in the woman's body cause these to form. They are usually caused by a laps in the normal function of the ovaries.

Now why do experts call them chocolate cysts? These cysts on ovary get their name from the thick brown blood substance that is contained within these ovarian cysts. It looks similar to stringy chocolate syrup, thus the name.

Occasionally, this type of ovarian cyst will grow and may rupture. This term, ruptured ovarian cyst, may be incredibly painful and cause the inside of the cyst to coat the organs and cause infections. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if this occurs. Although this does not happen that often, it is important to find an ovarian cyst treatment to help dissolve the cysts and prevent them from forming again.

A chocolate cyst treatment may vary from natural methods to a complete hysterectomy. This sort of treatment or the removal of one of the ovaries is completely unnecessary. Many people find that natural methods of treating ovarian cysts are more helpful. Often times conventional treatments usually only mask the problem and do not get rid of the cysts or prevent them from forming again. Natural methods can actually reduce the size or eliminate the cyst altogether without dangerous surgery.

Fattening foods and foods with high carbohydrates increase estrogen levels, the hormone that triggers the growth of an ovarian cyst. Caffeine and alcohol will also boost the production of estrogen. Using these foods in moderation or eliminating them altogether will help to treat and prevent cysts.

These natural methods involve a slight change habits to eliminate them. Exposure to different toxins and exercise will help reduce or help dissolve the chocolate cysts.

Some chemical cleaners and plastics should be avoided. The best natural chocolate cyst treatment will help eliminate ovarian and chocolate cysts and prevent them from reoccurring.

A natural chocolate cyst treatment will help eliminate ovarian cysts and prevent them from reoccurring. These cysts can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort for any woman who suffers from them. It is important to get your body in the best possible health to treat the chocolate cysts and finally relieve your body of the painful cysts and increase your fertility and reproductive health.

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Hot to Tone That Body With Shoes

There are several types of body toning shoes on the market.  Most of us have heard of sketchers shape ups which have a bowed out shoe sole.  While these shoes are fairly effective to helping you shape and tone your legs, there is  a shoe that is better for your overall posture and leg health.  The shoes are available for purchase at tenevis.com

These shoes utilize a rubber chip technology in conjuction with a bowed out sole.  The advantage these shoes have over the competition is that they help to strengthen ankles, knees, and hips while also being clinically proven to trim your body and improve posture. Just like lifting weights, you can adjust the rubber chip to give your more tension or to remove it which will completely tone your body in different ways.

These shoes are affordably priced and really do more for your body than other toning shoes.  They are new in that they are pushing the forefront of shoe technology, but they have been around long before the shape ups came out from Sketchers.  The shoes from tenevis have been tried and tested by clients worldwide and still hold some of the best body toning qualities of any shoe on the market. So if you havent given them a try, now is the time to do it as they are easy to buy online, or you can visit their localized stores and give them a try as they have alot of fitness benefits to offer to clients worldwide that want to improve their shape.

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Details About The Foods To Be Avoided In A Yeast Free Diet

There are plenty of foods which need to be avoided when you follow a yeast free diet. Apart from staying away from yeast, there are also some other kinds of foods that you must avoid to ensure that the diet on which you are relying are showing "the" much desired results.

 Yeast grows inside human body naturally. There are plenty of micro-organisms that live in the intestinal track. The entire system becomes unbalanced with any kinds of disturbance in the gut environment. This starts as a result of some antibiotic reactions or intake of birth control pills. A yeast free dietcan be particularly beneficial in this case to bring the system back on track. It also ensures that favorable conditions are not created for supporting multiplication of yeasts in the body.

 Overgrowth of yeast can give rise to a number of other associated problems such as autoimmune disorders, thrush, yeast infections, fatigue pain in muscles and joints. In cases of candiasis, yeast free dietalong with some medications and anti-fungal herbs can effectively combat overgrowth of yeast.

 In a yeast free dietthese are three main types of foods that you must avoid:

 Processed sugar can be harmful in this case. It is advisable that you stay away from incorporating processed sugar in your diet. Brown sugar, raw sugar, powdered sugar and white sugar are some kinds of processed sugar which should be completely avoided. Agave, maple syrup and honey must also be avoided. These are some of the foodstuffs which bring in you craving for sugar. Following yeast free dietwill slowly reduce intensity of cravings.

 Fruits like bananas, pineapples and mangoes, dry fruits must be avoided. White rice, white potatoesand white flour are some other foods that must be avoided.

 There is no place for alcohol in yeast free diet. You must stay away from brandy, whiskey, vodka, gin, champagne, wine, rum and beer. These fermented alcoholic beverages create suitable conditions for the yeast to grow.

 Last but not the least yeast free dietmust be completely free from yeast. Mostly the processed foods and canned foods are said to be rich in contents of yeast. These contain some empty calories which are not good for our overall health. Moreover, these cannot be digested easily compared to the fresh veggies and some selected fruits which are permissible in the yeast free diet.  

  These are some of the dos and don'ts that should be taken seriously.

For more information about yeast free diets and yeast infections you can visit www.naturalhealthandbeautyinfo.com/excess_yeast.html


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