
Hoodia vs., the BBC, their take on the miracle supplement 6 years on

The BBC may have traveled deep into the Kalahari Desert over 6 years ago in order to get a 1-on-1 experience of Hoodia Gordonii, but the strength of their report is still being felt today.

With the obesity levels reaching epidemic proportion, BBC news reporter Tom Mangold took on the challenge of unravelling the truth behind this appetite suppressant and the results they produced worked to bring greater confidence in this unique supplement.

Breaking it down into its fundamentals, it cannot be denied that the BBC has probably provided one of the best overviews to date, of this supplement within the media.

From their description on how it works to make the hypothalamus believe the body is full, to their own experimentation with this supplement, their report may have been one of the earliest of its kind, but the content consumers can gather from this one report is incredible.

Within this report readers

can discover:

• That Hoodia Gordonii is rare and originates from the Kalahari Desert
• The process of P57’s discover by Phytopharm
• How Hoodia Gordonii works – 10,000 times more powerful than glucose, Hoodia makes the nerve cells in the brain believe you are full when you are not.
• The Clinical trials that had so far been conducted on the supplement (at that time)
• How Hoodia can reduce your calorie intake by 1,000 calories a day
• How Hoodia Gordonii is side effect free

The BBC even went a step further by trying the Hoodia Gordonii plant themselves.

Now whilst the strength of their facts are accurate, they also clearly display what is missing with their ending statement: the growing number of fake Hoodia Gordonii supplements on the web.

And this was 6 years ago! The market you see before you today is even worse.

You see, their report was written at a time when Hoodia Gordonii was new and fresh to the market. When it was still in clinical trials.

With this information hanging over the heads of manufacturer’s, it was harder for fake Hoodia supplements to sold.

But today is a much different story. The clinical trials are all done… meaning unless consumers have got all the right tools to enable them to find real Hoodia Gordonii, then the likelihood that they may invest in a fake product is incredible.

Proof of the severity of this subject can be seen in the fact that leading laboratory testers Alkemist Pharmaceuticals discovered - of the hundreds they tested – that 80% of Hoodia products were either the wrong type of Hoodia (only the Hoodia Gordonii plant contains the active molecule P57) or were not 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii.

So what are you to do? Research.

You see there are other more effective ways of checking your Hoodia Gordonii supplement to see whether it is real or not:

Medical Backing: Has it been tested by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals? Check the products certificates to see who tested it. A study is not enough. It needs to be an independent company.

CITES Certificate: What is its country of origin? Only South Africa grow and export genuine Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii grown in another country will be less effective.

Price: Due overharvesting Hoodia Gordonii is rare, making it expensive to export. For this reason check the products price. If it is cheap, it is cheap for a reason. It is not real.

Ingredients: for genuine Hoodia Gordonii, only the core of the plant must be used. Besides its gelatin capsules, there should be no other ingredients on the ingredients list.

Experience Genuine Hoodia Gordonii

Laboratory tested, and medically backed by numerous companies across the media UniqueHoodia can offer you the proof and the documentation, to back the credibility of their appetite suppressant capsule.

In one compact package, consumers can experience the benefits of:

• 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii
• A calorie reduction of 2,000 calories a day
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Increased energy and self esteem.
Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today.


Lose weight with Fat Binders

If you too – like so many of us - are looking for a natural way to lose those excess lbs and achieve a healthier, happier body, then fat binders could be the answer you are looking for.

100% natural and traditionally derived from plant extracts, fat binders can provide you with the perfect stepping stone to achieving an easy healthy weight loss, with none of the risk that can come with some chemically induced weight loss supplements.

So what are fat binders exactly?

In simple terms a fat binder is a component that binds and gathers fat molecules.

So let’s just say for this example you eat a double cheese burger.

Once your burger has been broken down by your stomach, it will move into your intestine where it will meet the fat binder you ingested earlier. From this point your

fat binder will begin binding the fat molecules making them too big to be absorbed back into your body.

But this is not all fat binders can do.

Alongside their natural ability to reduce your daily fat consumption, fat binders are also known for being effective appetite suppressants, enabling users to reduce their meal portions and lose weight without having to starve themselves.

And the great thing is, as soon as you have taken the fat binder it will begin to work to bind your fat and offer you results on its very first day.

How are fat binders better appetite suppressants than most appetite suppressants?

When you traditionally take an appetite suppressant, they help you to cut your appetite by making your brain believe your body is full, when it is not. They essentially directly affect your central nervous system, altering your hunger signals and the timing in which they are released.

Fat binders on the other hand work within your digestive tract to help bind your fat molecules and lose weight. Other than that, fat binders have no other affect within your body.

Why choose a fat binder?

Compared to most weight loss supplements, fat binders can offer you a healthy weight loss, with none of the risk.

You see one of the most recurrent problems you’ll find in even the most popular weight loss supplements is their side effects. Chemically altered/made, some may be able to offer consumers a steady weight loss over time, but alongside these weight loss benefits consumers will also be able to find an array of uncomfortable side effects, that are not only just unpleasant but dangerous to your health too.

For example how many weight loss supplements have you seen in the media that have been recommended as a means to losing weight alongside other dietary changes and exercises?

The answer is not many. But add a natural fat binder to the equation, and you’ll experience a different media outcome altogether.

Take for example natural fat binder Proactol. Medically backed and clinically proven to work, Proactol for 2 years running has been voted by both slimmers and dieticians alike as one of the top 5 ways to naturally lose weight in 2008.

Combined within their top 5 tips of: eating 6 times a day; having a healthy breakfast; surrounding yourself with support and setting yourself a realistic exercise plan, the Telegraph has placed natural fat binder, Proactol, as their second top tip.

Yet compared to most fat binders Proactol can offer consumers a range of other natural health benefits too:

• Lower blood cholesterol
• Increased joint flexibility and energy levels
• A reduction in food cravings
• A 450 daily calorie reduction
• No known side effects

And with medical backing from the Medical Device Directive 93/42 EEC, consumers can take Proactol confident in the knowledge that with its natural fat binder benefits on hand they can begin to lose a steady 1-2lbs a week with minimal exercise.

So offer your body a natural solution to healthy weight loss and the experience the joys of a healthier happier body.

Visit Proactol.com and offer your body a natural solution to weight loss Click here

Different types of effective weight loss

Whilst some weight loss programs are willing to make you believe that the only route to effective weight loss is through endless hours at the gym, or by cutting out all fat or carbohydrates from your diet, there are in fact other ways to lose weight.

Methods that are in fact natural and easy to incorporate into your every day lifestyle: fat binders.

Now before you jump the gun, and state that weight loss supplements do not work, just listen to this point for a moment.

Yes it may be true that there are hundreds of weight loss supplements on the market, that have got no backing or clinical trials to prove they are the genuine article. But if you look a little closer you will find that this is not completely the case.

It is just a matter of learning how to find the real deals whilst keeping a conscious view of all the others tips available.

Take the Telegraph’s recent article discussing their top 5 recommended ways for losing weight in 2008.

In this one article they touched all the different bases that you can consider:

Eat 6 times a day – in other words, monitor what you eat. By breaking

breakfast, lunch and dinner into 6 smaller meals you can prevent snacking and keep your body’s metabolism high.
• Fat binders – now we know fat binders are commonly found in weight loss supplements, but compared to chemically enriched supplements that affect the nervous system, fat binders are 100% natural. All they do is work to make 28% of your fat indigestible in your digestive tract, whilst also being effective appetite suppressants. And one clear example the Telegraph gave of a real and credible fat binder was natural weight loss supplement Proactol.

Visit Proactol.com and offer your body a natural solution to weight loss – Click here

• Online support – as the Telegraph proves not all effective weight loss is about taking a supplement or exercise. Surrounding yourself with a strong support network can give you the confidence to keep pursuing your weight loss goals whilst helping you to keep it off. Many online weight loss supplements can provide you with that network. On Proactol.com for example consumers can benefit from advice and tips from their online discussion forum whilst having access to a 27/7 support team.
• Eat Breakfast – sometimes losing weight doesn’t even have to involve changing your diet, as the Telegraph proves. By simply ensuring you eat a healthy breakfast every morning you can set your metabolism up for the rest of the day, and keep it burning fast.
• Realistic exercise plan- exercise and weight loss can often come hand in hand in terms of successful weight loss, but one of the most common mistakes people make is setting themselves unrealistic targets which they cannot keep up. The best way is to build up your fitness levels beginning with a 10 minute walk until you are able to take on more.

How to find genuine Hoodia Gordonii

If you have become as fascinated as we have about the latest weight loss supplement Hoodia Gordonii, then you are not alone in also being one of the many customers who have been tricked into buying a fake supplement.

Search the web, and you’ll soon see what we mean when we say this new market niche is diverse. Type ‘hoodia’ into Google and hundreds of these so called supplements will pop up; all tempting you to buy.

Yet of this astounding number, 80% of them have been proven to be fake. From containing the wrong type of Hoodia plant to having scrimped on their ingredients. The many supplements out there claiming to be 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii are in fact fakes.

Now we are not just making a statement here. There is clinical proof that everything we have just said is real.

Let us explain.

Following an investigation by leading laboratory Alkemist pharmaceuticals, they discovered of the supplements that were willingly sent to them to be tested, only 20% were

pure 100% Hoodia Gordonii. The rest… simply did not come up to par.

Now before you get worried there is a way for you to tell whether or not you are receiving the genuine article. All you need to do is ask yourself the following questions:

One: Which Hoodia plant has been used?

Many companies will try to trick you by being vague as to which Hoodia plant they mean. So if you do come across a supplement whose ingredients simply say ‘hoodia’ then put it back. It is highly probable that they have opted to use 1 of the 13 other Hoodia plants that exist, which don’t contain the active ingredient P57.

Of all the 13 Hoodia plants only Hoodia Gordonii contains this active molecule which have been proven to suppress your appetite.

Two: What part of the Hoodia Gordonii plant has been used?

Of the Hoodia Gordonii plant itself, only the core contains P57. Its leaves, flowers and roots… are just redundant and are ineffectual at contributing to weight loss.

Here in lies the problem. Although the leaves and flowers of the Hoodia Gordonii plant can offer nothing in relation to weight loss, many companies chose to use them. And by doing so are still able to claim that they are using 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii. Why? Because if you break this information down into its basic fundamentals, they are not strictly lying.

Three: Are there any other ingredients?

As we said above only the core of the Hoodia Gordonii plant can suppress your appetite, so if you find any else on the ingredient list such as caffeine or fillers then you are not receiving pure Hoodia Gordonii. If anything they are only giving you 60% of the core, reducing its effectiveness by 40%.

There are some exceptions though – the capsules ingredients. These consist of gelatib. Spot this and your supplement is still pure, but find anything else and you are not getting 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii.

Four: Is it an extract?

There is no such thing as a 100% Hoodia Gordonii extract. Anyone who claims to be selling one is lying to you, and in truth is only supplying you with 60% of the plant.

See what we mean? There are many loop holes. Loop holes that have enabled numerous companies to produce fake Hoodia pills.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can escape this problem by bearing these 4 questions in mind each and every time you browse over a product.

Do that and you can ensure that you always receive the genuine article.

One such supplement that has passed all these tests is UniqueHoodia. Clinically tested by Alkemist pharmaceuticals, Unique Hoodia has been found to contain 100% pure unaltered Hoodia Gordonii, as well as offering:

• A 2,000 calorie reduction every day
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Increased energy and self esteem.