
Enjoy A Healthy Life - Exercise And Juicing Are The Keys

If you're looking to improve your overall energy level, decrease your chances of depression and improve your physical and mental health, regular exercise, with a juicing program is the shortest way to make those goals! Your physical fitness can have a tremendous impact on other areas in your life, and plays a key role in your physical and psychological health.

Be mindful of what you hope to achieve with your exercise/juice program. For example if you want to lose weight, then ideally juicing of vegetables and fruits will be of great benefit.

The juicing part will give the necessary Vitamins, Enzymes and Nutrition to give you the strength needed to exercise. The exercise part will burn off the calories to take the weight down.

Check with your Health Care Provider the types of exercises that are safe for your practice. Then create a weekly program to help you reach your weight loss goal and fitness agenda.

If you are starting an exercise/juicing program for the first time, you'll have days when you don't feel like doing anything. When this happens, visualize the body you are trying to build as this acts as a great motivator.

Another motivator to get you get over the hump is to use a Juice Recipe that packs an energy punch. This really helps the ball rolling.

One of the benefits of doing daily exercise is the program becomes ingrained in your daily activity. In a short time, the days when you don't feel doing anything will disappear.

Find yourself a partner to exercise with. Your Wife, Friend, whatever. You'll also find it easier to stay with your program, as doing something together is another great motivator.

You'll also have the advantage of comparing your progress with that of your partner.

Be specific with the types of exercises you want to do. Also be specific with the juicing programs that go hand in hand with the exercise part.

Certain exercises must use different sets of muscles. Using the right juicing recipes will help you do the exercises in better fashion, and give the right nutrition to the muscles doing the work.

Matching the juicing recipes to the exercises you're doing, will also increase the speed of your fitness program.

Being fit not only helps the muscles in your Body, it also influences the Mind in a positive way. You'll soon find yourself feeling energized and alert after each exercise bout.

Hey, we wish you success on your quest for physical fitness.

Good luck and as always, cheers and bottoms up..

Datu Ken J is a Mixologist dedicated to juicing. For more great articles and information on proper juicing please visit http://www.vegetablesjuicerecipes.com.
You'll receive a free mini course on the right way to juice fruits and vegetables.

Frequently Asked Questions About Constipation Part 2

When one is said to be constipated, they are having irregular bowel movements. And when they do have them the stools are often times painful and difficult to pass. Some of the symptoms associated with constipation include straining, bloating and bleeding when passing stools. When one is constipated, one of the questions they'll ask is, "how can I deal with or prevent constipation?" We will address this question and one more in this article.

Question 1: How can you deal with or prevent constipation?

There are three main ways in which you can deal with constipation. These are your diet, lifestyle and medical treatment. When it comes to your diet, avoid the foods that are high in fat (these may include your typical off-the-menu items found in most fast food outlets, among others). Rather, let your diet consist more of high-fiber foods, which we will give a few examples of when addressing the next question. Also drink lots of fluids, especially during hot days and when you're exercising. When it comes to your lifestyle, begin exercising more. Not only will this help with constipation but it will also keep your heart healthy. Another important thing to remember, don't ignore the urge to go have a bowel movement when it comes. When you ignore it, it may cause the stools to stay longer in your bowel, making them harder the longer they stay in there. Also, did you know that your colon's motor activity is highest in the morning? It would therefore be to your advantage if you make it a habit to have a bowel movement round about the same time in the morning.

When it comes to medical treatment, there are laxatives which help ease constipation in different ways, e.g. some laxatives are stool softeners, some are lubricants and some are stimulants. There are few more which do different things but all with one goal- to ease your constipation. Other ways of dealing with constipation include massaging, acupressure, herbal therapy, homeopathy etc. What is acupressure you may wonder? Acupressure involves you relaxing and lying on your back then applying gentle pressure with your finger tips just below your navel. When it comes to massaging, it's advised to massage your leg, that is, the knee to hip area which has been known to help ease constipation. In some cases, surgery is necessary to deal with constipation.

Question 2: What natural ways can you use to ease constipation?

Most of the natural ways of dealing with constipation we've mentioned in the above question. Diet and lifestyle play an important role in easing or preventing constipation. Drink lots of fluids and eat fiber-rich foods which include fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods amongst others. In fact, question 1 also addresses this question. The only thing that would have to be removed from it are the laxatives and other medical treatments and such as surgery.

In conclusion, it cannot be over stated just how much your diet and lifestyle play a crucial role when dealing with constipation. So making necessary changes will make a huge difference.

Asparagus, beans, broccoli, peas, bananas, nuts, avocados and guavas are just but a few examples of the foods that are rich in fiber that you can include in your diet. Although one needs to be careful when eating guavas. Moderation plays an important role here. Consuming too many of them may also cause problems for you when passing stools. This is due to their many seeds inside them.