
Perspiration- Quick Facts

None of us quite like the feeling of being ridden with sweat and being sticky. But it's the way our body keeps the heat balanced! Every warm-blooded animal sweats..even dogs. However due to the not many sweat glands they possess, they don't sweat as much as humans…they make up for this however by panting.

As chief-trainer & a person who is highly particular about ones skin, I would like to share a few things about sweat, its constituents & importance!

Perspiration also known as sweating, transpiration, or diaphoresis is the production of a fluid consisting primarily of water as well as various dissolved solids, chiefly chlorides, that is excreted by the various sweat glands present in the skin of mammals. Sweat contains the chemicals or odorants, as well as a small amount of urea. In humans, sweating is a means of thermo-regulation! In simpler terms, it helps the body keeps its normal functional temperature.

As chief-trainer & a person who is highly particular about ones skin, I would like to share a few things about sweat, its constituents & importance!. Step into a dry & fresh lifestyle with SURE, the World's #1 Anti-perspirant! Say `No` to paseena with the confidence that only an anti-perspirant can give. Discover sweat facts, challenge the myths & learn to use SURE correctly for day-long freshness!

Heat, movement & stress make us sweat in the underarms. Millions of bacteria, present on underarm skin, feed on sweat. This is why, though sweat is odourless, you suffer from body odour.

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