
Gynecology Problems - What is a Pap Smear?

A pap smear is a procedure that is necessary to check for abnormalities and cervical cancer. A pap smear may be done at an annual exam when you go to the gynecologist. This is done relatively quickly and is often times painless. However, you may experience a menstrual type cramp while the doctor gets the sample. The doctor may use a small, soft brush to obtain the sample from your cervix. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for close examination.

Another part of an annual exam is the bimanual pelvic exam. This exam usually follows the collection of the samples for the pap smear. The doctor will insert two fingers, usually with lubrication. One hand will be inside the vaginal canal to feel for the ovaries and uterus while the other hand is on top of the stomach to feel from the outside.

Results from a pap smear generally take 2-3 weeks to receive. Depending on the office you go to, the doctor or nurse may or may not contact you. If they do not contact you that usually means that it came back normal. If you have not heard back from the office in over a month and are still curious of the results, you can call and request the results.

Once the exterior is completed you should move on to cleaning the inside of the glass using the same technique. The inside of the glass can be more awkward to clean due to the angles of it so spend a little time ensuring all areas are covered and again frequently turn and fold the cloth. Once sufficiently cleaned, you should polish your glass with a designated glass polish product. This should be applied with a micro fibre applicator pad then worked in with both linear and circular motions.

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