
The choline connection in pregnancy

You must have heard of how important micronutrients such as folic acid, iron and calcium are during pregnancy, but are you aware of the importance of Choline in pregnancy and breast-feeding? May be not. That's because the significance of this nutrient has been umasked only recently and the benefits are still not well-known to many.

Well, to begin with, choline is needed by the body to perform its basic biological functions and works much like folic acid does in our body. It is essential for the normal functioning of cells of the body, liver metabolism and the transportation of nutrients. Choline forms a component of the cell membranes and functions as a vital chemical component of the nerve messaging system.

Research has shown that taking choline in the diet lowers the blood homocysteine levels. Lowering homocysteine helps in decreasing the chances of developing cancer. This is also proven by the fact that women who consume higher amounts of dietary choline have a reduced risk of breast cancer.

Choline is an important nutrient for an expectant mum as well. Like folic acid, choline helps to prevent Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) in the growing fetus. These defects occur in the first 28 days of pregnancy, much before a woman gets to know that she is pregnant. Choline also plays a crucial role in the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby, both before and after birth.

To know more about how much of choline is required in the diet and the foods rich in choline.

Apart from choline, what are the other nutrients that you need while you are pregnant and in what amounts? You might also want to know how much weight is appropriate for the duration of pregnancy you are in. Besides this, we have a wealth of information on other pertinent issues related with pregnancy and care of the newborn.

Some of the other topics covered are travel during pregnancy, diabetes during pregnancy, high blood pressure during pregnancy, labor and C-section. This is a one-stop resource for all your pregnancy and health information needs. What's more, you can ask your own personal question and receive answers from a panel of experts. So, why delay? Carry on, read, explore and use the information!


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