
10 Tips on Easy Weight Loss After Pregnancy

It is normal for women to gain weight during pregnancy because of hormonal changes in the body. But  the weight gain can be controlled if you exercise moderately and eat healthy food throughout the nine months of pregnancy. However, it's been found out that no matter how hard some pregnant women control their weight, it seems that the pounds just refuse to go.

Whatever may be your experience with efforts at weight loss during pregnancy, the following tips will help you to lose weight after pregnancy:-

1. Breastfeeding - Apart from being the healthiest food choice for your baby, breastfeeding will help you to lose unwanted weight. When you breastfeed your baby, you burn an average of 500 calories a day which is about 20 calories per ounce of milk. The longer you breastfeed your baby, the better for you.

2. Do Light Exercise - Engage in light exercise regularly. Take a 10-minute walk with the baby everyday and increase your time to 20 minutes per day. Wear your baby in a sling. You can use a baby jogger or stroller when he  gets too heavy. Better still, look for a partner and walk regularly with her.

3. Join a Gym - You should join a gym. Look for a friend with whom you can trade baby sitting hours. When each of you go to do your work out, the other can watch the babies. Some gyms also offer baby sitting services. You can take advantage of this as well.

4. Alternate Your Exercise -  You  can alternate your exercise easily by forming the habit of parking further away from a close location and using stairs instead of elevators.

5. Drink Plenty of Water - Replace the sugar beverages in your body with water. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water everyday and a squeeze of fresh lemon. You can also use flavoured water which has no calories.

6. Eat Healthy Foods - Continue to eat the healthy foods you were eating during pregnancy. Fruits and vegetables contain calories and will provide you with essential minerals and vitamins. These would essentially be used by your body and not stored as fat.

7. Eat Whole Grains - Bread, cereal, and pastas should be common in your diet instead of the "white versions". Avoid foods that are labeled as nonfat. Some actually contain a lot of calories. Make sure that you thoroughly read and understand the labels.

8. Eat Healthy Snacks - Ensure that you keep healthy snacks with you always. Have snacks such as raisins popcorn, wheat crackers and nuts handy. Refuse to buy store-bought baked foods or junk foods.

9. Avoid Fast Food Meals - Don't eat fast meals. If it is very necessary that you do, order the salad and not the fat-filled burgers and fries.

10. Eat Lean Meats - Lean meats such as boneless chicken and the leanest cuts of beef will also help as part of your weight loss diet after pregnancy.

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