Rebecca Harris is a local Nebraskan vital in a plateau of Colorado with her father and dual children. She loves to review a far-reaching accumulation of theme matter, dally in knitting, stitch on occasion, and pass hours each week in a kitchen formulating culinary masterpieces.
She has been revelation stories given before she could reason a pen, and essay from that indicate on. As a tiny child, Rebecca wrote pages during a time and showed her mom her work, and her mom did not trust it was her possess work. It was a oddity because she would misspell difference if she was duplicating something down, though it never occurred to a lady that her tiny child combined a lines of content on her own. It was usually as she grown and grew in her essay that her mom began to see a full picture.
Rebecca had plans, after graduating high propagandize as a junior, to attend Colombia College Chicago and vital in novella writing. However, her graduation one year early done it some-more difficult, rather than less, and twin smoothness issues led to her not being means to enroll on time that year.
Disappointed, she chose to make a many of it, spend her time in Chicago operative on a book she had started during a small 15, and holder out many pages in her aged word estimate appurtenance before relocating behind home. Rebecca never did attend Colombia, as she had hoped, though her time in Chicago was good spent, and she has never regretted going.
Rebecca married young, had children young, and her time incited from essay to her family for several years. As her children grew and entered school, however, she listened about National Novel Writing Month, and motionless to try her palm during it. The whole month of November, that year, she spent her time glued to her computer, and came out of a month with a renewed passion.
Her time has been rather singular given then, as life has a approach of creeping in and holding over, though she writes as time allows, these days. She has skeleton to finish a many story lines floating about her head, and hang adult those prolonged pieces of work she started on another essay height years ago.
Rebecca's essay blog can be found here:
To learn some-more about National Novel Writing Month, conduct this way:

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