By iCarpus
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Customer Rating:
First tagged "ipod accessories" by R. Trappman
Customer tags: iphone stand(8), iphone(5), accessory(4), stand(3), droid stand(3), ipod stand(3), droid carpus stand, accessories, handheld stand, droid x, great, cradle
Bottom line: Good pattern and plain materials produce a stout nonetheless compress mount for we iPhone or other mobile device.
I looked during all a iPhone stands on Amazon and it seemed to be a choice between something inexpensive (and in many cases cheap) though groundless or something done of plain steel that was a bit pricey. Then we stumbled opposite this thing. From a reviews and product outline we got a wish it was good done and a cost was positively reasonable so we took a gamble. This is one of a few times (for me) where a play paid off.
I've supposing sum in a concomitant video to assistance report what you're getting.
UPDATE: we used this mount on a cranky nation flight. It kept my iPhone upheld and solid on a tray list a whole time so we could watch videos in relations comfort. Not a same comfort as a flourishing series of people who have iPads mind you, though gentle nothing a reduction :) .
Also, in revisiting this examination and scanning some of a others there is something that we feel should be forked out. This mount is advertised as being for a "iPhone, iPod, & More". It appears that for a "& Mores" of a world, well, your mileage might very. Check a other reviews and see if anyone had problems with your non-Apple device and this stand.
BTW, we feel that honest, effective reviews, accompanied by minute videos, can take a place of first-hand practice that are mostly lacking in online shopping. I've always appreciated a assistance I've perceived from other reviewers and try to lapse a preference as best as we can. we wish we found this examination useful and a video during slightest entertaining. If there was anything we suspicion was lacking or misleading leave a criticism and I'll do what we can to repair it.