By Earphones Plus
Buy new: $3.49
First tagged "earphones" by Bill
Customer tags: earphones, headphones, ear cushions, earphone cushions, ear buds, earbuds, earpads, quality, headphone cushions, memory foam, replacement, ear gels

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In credentials for a new iPhone entrance out in July, we indispensable to get a new set of headphones that enclosed an inline mic/answer-end/pause button. After a week or so of research, we motionless to try this pair, even yet there is really small info or reviews per tangible sound quality.
I switched from Sony EX-51/EX-71 headphones to a mm 50. The MM 50 iP headphones sound identical to a EX headphones I've used, with offset sound throughout, though even improved and clearer. we switched a enclosed ear cuffs from a MM 50s for a ones we used on my Sonys, as a MM 50 set is a bit run-down and had small pieces of crap stranded to them usually by holding them out of a box. Ick.
The MM 50 wires are really thin, and a whole set is intensely lightweight. They are even some-more gentle than a Sonys. Also, a longer we wear and use them, a some-more we like them.
The cord is shorter than usual, that we like since we tend to locate a wires on things if there is too most extra. we put a Nano/iPhone in my right behind pocket, and run a headphones adult to my left ear, and a length is perfect. From where a phones separate (note these are "J-shaped" headphones, where a cord for a right ear goes behind your neck) to a jack that plugs into a iPhone, a cord is usually over 36" long.
Currently I'm regulating them with a Nano, though will be switching to a new iPhone when it is released. The answer/end/ff symbol works excellent with my stream 2G iPhone, though there is a conspicuous hiss during low volumes sometimes. Also, we can not get a volume from a iPhone to go low adequate (I listen during a bureau and need to be means to hear by them) though we consider this is on a iPhone side, as a Sonys don't get as still as they do on a Nano either.
Overall, we like a headphones, and like them some-more after a day of use. As prolonged as they don't mangle after unchanging use, or have some uncanny problem with a new iPhone, I'll continue to use these as a deputy for my aged Sony EX-51 and EX-71 sets.
Edit Jul 13: we got a new iPhone 3G this week, that has a redesigned headphone port. These headphones still work rightly with a new iPhone, a block fits excellent and a answer/end symbol works. Plus, a irritating hiss is gone!
Edit one year after purchase: These are still my daily (and only) headphones for my iPhone 3G. The play/pause/ff symbol still works perfectly, sound from a mic and headphones is still good, and we haven't seen any signs of wear around any connections.