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Customer Rating:
First tagged "3gs" by Damion Gadal
Customer tags: iphone, iphone 3gs 16gb att, iphone 3gs 16gb, iphone 3gs, 3gs, iphone 3gs 16gb at t, iphone 3g 16gb at t
I never unequivocally favourite dungeon phones until we got an iPhone. To me, they were a unpleasant necessity, that felt some-more like an electronic control than a useful tool.
This all altered when we got my iPhone 3G. Here was a tool, that had organic entrance to a internet, and email. In addition, there was each kind of app imaginable, from entertainment, weather, photography, amicable media, we name it.
I found myself regulating my phone some-more and more, and not to make phone calls. In fact, being means to use this thing as a phone is only a bonus.
I've been intensely happy with my iPhone, and am essay this examination on a 3G as arrange of a appreciate you. The iPhone has turn an constituent partial of my life, only as owning a mechanism did.
After overdue this object for 3 happy years, it's time for me to upgrade. we will skip my 3G, though am certain that a iPhone 4S will some-more than fill a void.