The BBC may have traveled deep into the Kalahari Desert over 6 years ago in order to get a 1-on-1 experience of Hoodia Gordonii, but the strength of their report is still being felt today.
With the obesity levels reaching epidemic proportion, BBC news reporter Tom Mangold took on the challenge of unravelling the truth behind this appetite suppressant and the results they produced worked to bring greater confidence in this unique supplement.
Breaking it down into its fundamentals, it cannot be denied that the BBC has probably provided one of the best overviews to date, of this supplement within the media.
From their description on how it works to make the hypothalamus believe the body is full, to their own experimentation with this supplement, their report may have been one of the earliest of its kind, but the content consumers can gather from this one report is incredible.
Within this report readers
can discover:
• That Hoodia Gordonii is rare and originates from the Kalahari Desert
• The process of P57’s discover by Phytopharm
• How Hoodia Gordonii works – 10,000 times more powerful than glucose, Hoodia makes the nerve cells in the brain believe you are full when you are not.
• The Clinical trials that had so far been conducted on the supplement (at that time)
• How Hoodia can reduce your calorie intake by 1,000 calories a day
• How Hoodia Gordonii is side effect free
The BBC even went a step further by trying the Hoodia Gordonii plant themselves.
Now whilst the strength of their facts are accurate, they also clearly display what is missing with their ending statement: the growing number of fake Hoodia Gordonii supplements on the web.
And this was 6 years ago! The market you see before you today is even worse.
You see, their report was written at a time when Hoodia Gordonii was new and fresh to the market. When it was still in clinical trials.
With this information hanging over the heads of manufacturer’s, it was harder for fake Hoodia supplements to sold.
But today is a much different story. The clinical trials are all done… meaning unless consumers have got all the right tools to enable them to find real Hoodia Gordonii, then the likelihood that they may invest in a fake product is incredible.
Proof of the severity of this subject can be seen in the fact that leading laboratory testers Alkemist Pharmaceuticals discovered - of the hundreds they tested – that 80% of Hoodia products were either the wrong type of Hoodia (only the Hoodia Gordonii plant contains the active molecule P57) or were not 100% pure, unaltered Hoodia Gordonii.
So what are you to do? Research.
You see there are other more effective ways of checking your Hoodia Gordonii supplement to see whether it is real or not:
Medical Backing: Has it been tested by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals? Check the products certificates to see who tested it. A study is not enough. It needs to be an independent company.
CITES Certificate: What is its country of origin? Only South Africa grow and export genuine Hoodia Gordonii. Hoodia Gordonii grown in another country will be less effective.
Price: Due overharvesting Hoodia Gordonii is rare, making it expensive to export. For this reason check the products price. If it is cheap, it is cheap for a reason. It is not real.
Ingredients: for genuine Hoodia Gordonii, only the core of the plant must be used. Besides its gelatin capsules, there should be no other ingredients on the ingredients list.
Experience Genuine Hoodia Gordonii
Laboratory tested, and medically backed by numerous companies across the media UniqueHoodia can offer you the proof and the documentation, to back the credibility of their appetite suppressant capsule.
In one compact package, consumers can experience the benefits of:
• 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii
• A calorie reduction of 2,000 calories a day
• 10,000 times the productivity of glucose at suppressing your appetite
• Increased energy and self esteem.
Order your packet of UniqueHoodia today.